Are you in need of criminal defense representation you can trust? Work with our team and obtain knowledgeable, professional service and legal representation for your criminal defense case.
Obtain aggressive legal representation
When you’ve been accused or charged of a crime, make sure you obtain a complete understanding of the law. Our team will work with you, taking the time to understand your case as thoroughly as possible.
Fair, compassionate legal representation
Whether you’re combating a minor misdemeanor or a serious felony, you’re getting our complete attention when you choose us. For the legal guidance and counsel you require for your case, go with our team.
Work with William F. McGinn on your criminal defense case
- Minor misdemeanors
- Serious felonies
- Drunk driving (DUI / OWI) charges
- Juvenile delinquency
- Drug charges
- Violent crime charges
- Sex crime charges
- White collar crimes
- Probation violations
- Parole revocations
- Traffic tickets
Schedule your appointment for a FREE initial consultation today. Obtain legal assistance for your case when you call us at 712-328-1566, or visit us at 20 North 16th Street, Council Bluffs, Iowa 51501.
Request a free consultation
If you need an attorney, contact our firm. Our experienced, tenacious attorneys will help you achieve the best possible outcome in your case.
Our Practice Areas
Business Representation
Criminal Defense
Divorce & Family Law
Insurance Claims
Personal Injury Attorney
Real Estate
Social Security Disability
Wills & Estates
Workers’ Compensation
McGinn Law Firm
20 North 16th St. Council Bluffs, IA 51501
(712) 328-1566